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5 Pentatonic Phrases For Better Line Construction

Today we’re going to check out a few pentatonic phrases, using the major, dominant, and minor pentatonic scales. Before that, let's review what the pentatonic scales are and how we can use them!

The pentatonic scale is a five note scale usually derived from common seven note scales such as the Major Scale, Dorian Minor Scale, and the Mixolydian Scale.

Let’s dive in and take a look at how these are constructed and how we can use them!

The Major Pentatonic Scale: The major pentatonic scale takes the first, second, third, fifth and sixth degrees of a major scale. For example, if you derived a major pentatonic scale from a C Major Scale, the notes would be C, D, E, G, and A. This is a great pentatonic scale option over a C Major 7 Chord.

C Major Pentatonic Derived from the C Major Scale

C Major Pentatonic Scale

For a more colorful sound, you can play the G major pentatonic scale (G, A, B, D, E) on a C Major 7 Chord. This will end up outlining the fifth, sixth, seventh, ninth, and third degrees of the C Major 7 Chord.

G Major Pentatonic Scale over the C Major 7 Chord

So, how can we use the major pentatonic scale?

The first phrase that we're going to check out is going to use that technique. We're going to start by playing a G Major Pentatonic Scale and then resolve it to the C Major Pentatonic Scale.

For these first three bars, we're playing a lot of B's. This achieves a more colorful effect, as we're going to be coming from the note D, which outlines the upper tensions: the seventh and ninth scale degrees.

All the phrases here come from our 67 Pentatonic Phrases PDF Package. This release includes all of these phrases written in all 12 keys plus backing tracks in all 12 keys and recordings of Chad LB playing every single phrase to use as a reference. DOWNLOAD RESOURCE>>>

Let's finish covering our remaining pentatonic scales: Minor Pentatonic and Dominant Pentatonic.

The Minor Pentatonic Scale: We’re going to build the minor pentatonic scale in reference to the Dorian Minor Scale. For example, if you derived the minor pentatonic scale from the C Dorian Scale, the notes would be C, Eb, F, G, Bb. The first, third, fourth, fifth and seventh degrees of the Dorian Minor Scale.

C Minor Pentatonic Scale derived from the C Dorian Minor Scale

Let’s see how the dominant pentatonic scale is constructed.

The Dominant Pentatonic Scale: Lastly, we’re going to build the dominant pentatonic scale in reference to the Mixolydian Scale, the fifth mode of the major scale. For example, if you derived dominant pentatonic scale from the C Mixolydian Scale the notes would be C, D, E, G, Bb. The first, second, third, fifth and seventh degrees of the Mixolydian scale. It can also be really effective to use a dominant pentatonic scale from the fourth degree of a Dorian Minor Scale as another scale option over a Minor 7 chord.

C Dominant Pentatonic Scale derived from the C Mixolydian Scale

Pentatonic Shifting: Now that we've gotten comfortable with pentatonic scales inside of given tonalities, let's experiment with going outside with pentatonic shifting. With this concept, we're going to shift in and out of different tonalities using tension and release. This is a device that so many jazz legends have used, from John Coltrane to Michael Brecker.

This concept works well when playing on a one chord vamp or a groove. It also works really well on jazz standards.

For now, let's check out a phrase that uses the approach of shifting with the nearest scale degree from bar to bar. Every time we shift into a new pentatonic scale, we're going to get there by voice leading to the closest degree up or down in the new tonality.

For instance, you'll see at the end of measure one, we have the note G, which is the fifth of the C minor seventh chord. It's also the fourth note of the C minor pentatonic scale. From that note, we want to shift into the C sharp minor pentatonic scale. So we're going to do that by going down a half step and landing on an F sharp, which will then be the third note of that C sharp pentatonic scale. You could also think of it as being the fourth degree of C sharp minor seven.

You'll notice each scale tonality that we're implying here has a different degree of tension, depending on how it sits in the original tonality. For instance, the D minor pentatonic scale sounds very in on C minor, because all the notes fall within the C Dorian scale. However, in that second measure, it's much more tense because none of the notes in the C sharp minor pentatonic scale are shared.

This is just a glimpse into the uses of pentatonics. For a more in depth look at these concepts, check out this video where Chad LB breaks down these concepts over 5 pentatonic phrases. For all 67 Pentatonic Phrases written in all 12 keys plus backing tracks in all 12 keys and audio recordings: DOWNLOAD RESOURCE>>>



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